Measured 200 Beijing residents, 140 males and 60 females, ages 22-70 years old. Each subject underwent a 2 day physical exam and then a 4 minute ZYTO scan. Results were compared.
And the findings were impressive
Click here for the PDF of this study.
First of all, imagine going through 48 hours of straight physical exams!
Kudos to the participants in this research study; this was not an easy 48 hours.
(Secondly, that is pretty extensive physical testing considering that the only ZYTO test performed was done in 4 minutes time.)
So the results are what you're looking for, right. The China study findings resulted in an 87% accuracy rate for the ZYTO scan when compared to 48 hours of physical examinations! That's huge considering the number of different physical tests that were done compared to ZYTO's 4 minute scan.
You might say to yourself, "Why not 100% accuracy?"
Great question! Naturally this is where the mind goes. So let's take a quick look at some research studies done on other medical tests and their accuracy rates.
Other research study findings
87.4% accuracy found regarding confirmation of H. Pylori in stool tests (2014 study)1
72% accuracy found in the prediction of neuro-imaging in children with brain tumors (2019 study)2
83.8% accuracy found in the prediction of Cytomegalovirus in blood tests (2018 analysis of 9 other studies)3
80% accuracy found in overall detection of meningitis by blood tests and cerebral spinal fluid tests (2016 study)4
89% accuracy found in the detection of narrowing of coronary arteries (heart) using medical imaging (2018 analysis of 13 other studies)5
If you want to read up on more studies that demonstrate the accuracy of medical testing, click here.
ZYTO Scan is Accurate
As you can see, the accuracy rate of a ZYTO scan is not all that different from other medical tests!
So book your Nutritional Scan today and see how this short painless scan compares to the alternatives.
To book an appointment click here.
Cited Studies
1. Harahdashti, A. (2014). Diagnostic Accuracy of Helicobacter pylori. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 22(3), 154–156-154&ndash-ndash;156-154–156.
2. Norris, G., Garcia, J., Hankinson, T., Handler, M., Foreman, N., Mirsky, D., Stence, N., Dorris, K., & Green, A. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of neuroimaging in pediatric optic chiasm/sellar/suprasellar tumors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 66(6), n/a-n/a.
3. DO, P.., MSc, P.M.., MSc, E.M.., PhD, R.., MD, T.., & PhD, J.M.. (2017). Diagnostic Accuracy of Blood-Based Tests and Histopathology for Cytomegalovirus Reactivation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 23(4), 551-560.
4. Wei, T., Hu, Z., Qin, B., Ma, N., Tang, Q., Wang, L., Zhou, L., Zhong, R., & Panagiotidis., M. (2016). Diagnostic Accuracy of Procalcitonin in Bacterial Meningitis Versus Nonbacterial Meningitis. Medicine, 95(11), e3079
5. Carlos, Collet, OnumaYoshinobu, SonckJeroen, AsanoTaku, VandelooBert, KornowskiRan, TuShengxian, WestraJelmer, Niels HolmR, XuBo, Robbert Jde Winter, Jan TijssenG, MiyazakiYosuke, KatagiriYuki, TenekeciogluErhan, ModoloRodrigo, ChichareonPly, CosynsBernard, SchoorsDaniel, RoosensBram, LochyStijn, ArgachaJean-Francois, Alexandrevan Rosendael, BaxJeroen, Johan H ReiberC, EscanedJavier, BernardDe Bruyne, WijnsWilliam, and Patrick SerruysW. "Diagnostic performance of angiography-derived fractional flow reserve: a systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis." European Heart Journal 39.35 (2018).

Just a few months ago one of our Biofeedback Specialists took her daughter to a Neurologist for a precautionary checkup. She wanted to make sure the sources of her daughter's headaches weren't more serious than stress and allergies.
Well she got the shock of a lifetime when the Neurologist confirmed there was nothing serious going on and then asked if she had considered Biofeedback! Surprised that a Neurologist would ask her this question, considering the fact that she IS a Biofeedback Specialist, her reply was simply "Yes!".
She explained to the Neurologist all that she could see from our Nutritional Scan and how she supported her daughter with EVOX sessions for emotional stress. Then she continued explaining that her daughter was getting better with all the Biofeedback work she was doing with her, but she wanted further reassurance that there wasn't something more serious going on.
So you see! Even the medical community is starting to see the benefits of Biofeedback and recommend it!
One more quick story.
We had a Doctor of Osteopathy check us out about a year ago and requested a meeting with us. So I went with another Biofeedback Specialist to her office to demonstrate EVOX and the Nutritional Scan. We have since had the honor of working with patients that they recommend to us, but my burning question from that initial meeting was, "How did you hear about EVOX?"
And the response was that " The Truth About Cancer " docuseries talked with Dr. Lee Cowden about the benefits of EVOX for cancer patients.
It's amazing how EVOX can help someone emotionally and in turn help them physically!
Contact one of our Biofeedback Specialists today and see how amazing EVOX really is!!

We shake hands with someone we deeply respect or don't even know, we are affectionate with our loved ones by sweetly holding hands, we softly pat a baby's back as they nap, and so on.
Hands are where we connect with you.
It never ceases to amaze me when a client places their hand on the Hand Cradle and we get to work on their most self-sabotaging areas.
EVOX is that tool that I wish I had many years ago when war waged within from things I had been through in my life. It would've helped me process through critical thoughts I had that shaped my next steps. And I truly believe my life would be different now if I knew someone who did EVOX sessions.
But that's just life. Fast forward to now and I'm so thankful I can help people around me get to new places emotionally that I know I could never have impacted without EVOX.
Houston is the best place to live these days. We have literally millions of potential lives we can impact with EVOX. Houston isn't the only place we can work though. We can take EVOX worldwide through remote appointments via the internet.
My advice. Book an EVOX appointment. In Houston or in another part of the world....let's work together so you can get to a better place!

Being in recovery for addiction is a good first step toward bettering your life. But if you want to thrive and find true happiness in the long-term, you’ll need to commit to some changes that will enhance your recovery and improve your life. Try these 6 savvy tips!
Take Control of Your Mind
So much of addiction is centered in your mind. If you can reframe your perceptions and take care of your mental health, you can keep yourself on track to thrive. Many struggling with addiction have been able to do just that with EVOX. Traditional counseling can also help you get to the root of your addiction and take control of your mental health.
Keep Your Body Healthy
Making healthy choices can help keep your body strong and healthy before and after rehab. Healthy choices are the best way to contribute to your recovery and change your overall life for the better. Start by cleaning up your diet and choosing whole, nutritious foods to fuel your body. If you struggle to find healthy meals each night, look into meal prep options to keep good choices more accessible. Add regular exercise to your normal routine too. Exercise is essential for the production of endorphins, which are chemicals in your brain that help you feel happy and reduce stress.
Find Fun Ways to Relieve Stress
While working through recovery, you’ve probably learned to identify some of your triggers. Boredom and stress are common triggers that often get overlooked. To help keep these triggers from having control over your life, try EVOX. You can EVOX on each trigger and see yourself in much more control. Also try starting some positive, stress-relieving hobbies. Relaxing hobbies such as painting, gardening or cooking can help relieve tension in your mind. Hobbies also keep you too busy to be bored, so find some new passions and make time to practice them.
Nourish Positive Social Connections
In the beginning of recovery, taking time for yourself can be crucial for overcoming your addiction. You need that alone time to focus on yourself and get to the root of your issues. If understanding the root causes of your addiction is a struggle, EVOX helps with this too! Also keep in mind, once you’re past that initial stage of understanding, reconnecting with friends and loved ones can be beneficial to your health. Social connection is essential for preserving mental health, and having positive support can make working through your addiction less stressful. Strong relationships can even improve your health. Go to the movies, host a game night or make some dinner dates to connect with positive people in your life.
Create Some New Goals
While you’re making all of these healthy changes, it helps to have some goals to work toward in your life. Goal setting is a good way to improve your focus and take measure of your accomplishments. Goals can be big or small, short-term or long-term, or whatever feels right for you. You can set simple goals -- decluttering and organizing your home -- or major ones such as getting started in a new career. Just be sure your goals are reasonable and attainable to keep from stressing your out even more.
Schedule Some Serious Self-Care
After all of your hard work and dedication to making your life better and overcoming your addiction, you deserve some rewards. Schedule a massage or vacation to rejuvenate and reward yourself. Self-care is good for your mental health and can help nourish your soul so make it a regular part of your life. It feels good to treat yourself from time to time. You deserve it!
Getting into recovery and taking your life back from addiction is your first step in getting control over your life. Now, take a few extra steps to make sure you tackle your addiction, take care of yourself and truly thrive in the coming years.
Post by Adam Cook with AddictionHub.org
Adam Cook is the founder of Addiction Hub, which locates and catalogs addiction resources. He is very much interested in helping people find the necessary resources to save their lives from addiction. His mission is to provide people struggling with substance abuse with resources to help them recover.
Guest post by Adam Cook with AddictionHub.org
Adam Cook is the founder of Addiction Hub, which locates and catalogs addiction resources. He is very much interested in helping people find the necessary resources to save their lives from addiction. His mission is to provide people struggling with substance abuse with resources to help them recover.
Photo Credit: Pexels

The Greater Houston area is often touted by business and community leaders for its economy, proximity to the port and international trade, but these attributes are also connected to something else—human trafficking. The I-10 corridor, which runs through Houston and Katy, is designated as the No. 1 route for human trafficking in the country by the U.S. Department of Justice, and it is estimated that 25 percent of victims in the U.S. are trafficked through Texas.
"Human trafficking is considered a form of modern-day slavery through which individuals are forced to provide services or labor through the use of force, fraud or coercion.” said Edwin Chapuseaux, investigator with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
"Human trafficking is an offense against a person and a violation of civil rights,” he said. “With a trafficker, the person doesn’t let go of individuals. He wants them to make money for him and will hold onto that person as long as he can.”
Houston is considered a hub for trafficking due in part to the interstate highway systems that run through the area, namely I-10, which connects California and Florida.
- 10 to 30 million modern day slaves exist in the world today.
- After drug trafficking, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today – and is considered the fastest growing – generating $32 billion a year.
Texas Statistics:
- In 2008, 38% of all calls to the National Trafficking Resource Center originated from Texas.
- During the 2006 Department of Justice National Conference, Texas interstate 1-10 was identified as one of the main routes for human traffickers, with El Paso and Houston identified as major human trafficking centers.
- Under a federally-funded program, the Houston Task Force has investigated 68 cases of human trafficking and prosecuted 38 cases, resulting in 31 convictions since 2005.

Don’t know what FOMO is?
I didn’t either until my family Christmas trip.
I saw a sign that said “Do you have FOMO?”
(try to imagine this)
I looked more closely at the rest of the sign.
It said that FOMO is…
(wait for it…………….)
"Fear Of Missing Out"
Do you need to be involved in everything around you? Do you need to know what is going on ALL time? Are you on Facebook watching your friends and family to see what they are doing? FOMO can be good or bad depending on how it affects your decisions and activities. Do you try all the new gadgets (wait in line for the new I-Phone), or know someone who does? Which needs are you fulfilling? Remember, the 6 human needs are certainty, variety, significance, connection, growth, and contribution.
You create more significance when you get new toys or do new activities you can share with others on Facebook. It is one way to fulfill one of your major needs. It can also create a sense of connection with others when we share it on Facebook, another need we have.
How does this relate to health? We create feelings of significance by talking about our symptoms such as pain to our friends and family. I know people with chronic fibromyalgia pain rehash their pain to everyone they meet. It makes them feel like they will gain attention from telling others, and thereby increasing their significance by feeling important. Yet, this constant sharing of your painful experiences, or any negative experiences, just make the energy of the pain or negativity stay in your energy pattern. We should find ways of expressing positive feelings and experiences to get more of that energy to grow in our system. Remember that one negative emotional state can affect our energy for up to 6 hours. Yet, positive emotional states build up our energy.
I have found out by doing the Emotion Code testing that we do much better when we focus on positive emotions in our life while releasing (and forgetting about) negative emotions. I like to give hope to people with fibromyalgia, and focusing on the direction we are going is much more effective than the pain we have experienced. Having progress in our lives creates happiness. This positive energy drives us toward a happier and healthier life. Positive emotions and experiences undo negative emotions and experiences. Look for the positive things you can be grateful for in your life. Live with the intention that you will create more positive experiences. I am sure there are many if you look. Also see how often you laugh and have a genuine smile each day. Laughing and smiling “without trying” show that you are really engaged in your life experiences.
My business motto of “Better Health Through Awareness” when combined with the hand cradle testing really shows you what you can do to create better health. By knowing what to work on and understanding why you are taking certain homeopathic remedies and supplements you can create more positive results. I have seen it happen often.
Guest-post by Jane Oelke, ND, PhD
Natural Choices, Inc.
Special note of thanks to Dr. Oelke for guest-posting on iNeedPeace.com!

The good news is, you should feel a release during the EVOX session and even further shifts in your thinking after the session is completed. This is a little difficult to explain and is very personal to each person.
The best way that I can explain this is to say it like this: you will know when you have had your breakthrough. The changes that follow are also very specific to each individual (listed below the next paragraph are some examples).
It is important to note that you may experience a breakthrough on your topic during your first
EVOX session and then find yourself where you want to be with that subject, which means you would not EVOX on that topic again. However, other topics that are more deeply rooted take a certain number of EVOX sessions to gain total victory and breakthrough. How many sessions would that take? That is completely up to you. A better way to put it is to think about how many sessions it would take if you were going to a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or minister who did not use EVOX. We offer the Christian counseling side plus
EVOX and we have seen amazing breakthroughs in our clients!
Regarding what a breakthrough can look like, here are some examples of real life changes our clients have experienced:
-A cathartic (“Ah Ha!”) moment
where a release of emotions and thoughts flood your mind; a release as if something that was blocked just became free.
-Nothing. Sometimes clients feel nothing even though the EVOX software shows the breakthrough, but later on they realize that their thinking patterns have shifted. In other words, they find that the overwhelming feelings that accompanied thoughts on their topic no longer exist and they are better able to mentally process it all.
-Sometimes changes are very subtle and almost undetected. In this case, you will want to watch how you think, feel, and behave regarding the topic you chose to do your EVOX session on.
-Relationship shifts! This is also pretty amazing. When you shift in your way of perceiving things, then relationships may shift as well. How so?
Let’s say for example you decide you will lose 30 pounds and finally get in shape like you have always wanted. You decide to complete an EVOX session on losing weight. You then may see shifts in your way of thinking about your ability to lose weight, which result in amazing changes. Your spouse, who would otherwise not think about it, might see you change the way you eat, get up earlier to exercise, and talk differently about your health. Your spouse might then respond to these behavioral changes. Maybe your spouse is happy that you are excited about your next steps and encourages you to push yourself until you succeed. You then feel loved and encouraged by your spouse, which draws you two closer.
Or let’s say as another example, you were bogged down with cycling thoughts that drove you into a sadness. So you decide to complete an EVOX session on the topic that started it all. You then may see shifts in your way of thinking, which result in amazing changes. This may include happiness and freedom that resulted in joy and an excitement to start your day rather than drab through it. Your spouse may notice you are different. Perhaps it hurt them to see you down and they may have felt powerless to help you. However, you completed an EVOX session and you changed! This can be exciting for your spouse to see. They may feel happy too and see that positive changes have occurred. Then you find your relationship with your spouse positively impacted by all of this!
And much more!