Good. We have answers.

Can you explain EVOX a little more for me?

EVOX is a therapy that brings deep inner healing. Think of the darkest places, most painful moments in your life, the questions that repeat like a vicious cycle, and the areas you feel completely stuck in. The beauty of EVOX is that you get a breakthrough in every session. The result, healing that leads to changes in the most critical places of your life.
What is Perception Reframing?

Perception is simply an expensive word for the way you see things. Reframing is similar to removing a picture out of an old picture frame and placing it into a new one. EVOX brings new perspective into the way you see things. Simply put, the lies are discovered and the truth sets you free.
Is EVOX safe?

FDA approved as a Type 2 Medical Device: There are no known contraindications for EVOX sessions. The amount of energy used in an EVOX session is so low that it is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women.
Do I need to live in Houston for an EVOX session?

Nope! We offer what we call “remote sessions”, which simply means we can do your EVOX session from our office while you sit in the comfort of your own home. Think…no traffic, no gas, and no waiting. All you need is a computer with Microsoft Windows, an internet connection, and a Hand Cradle.
How long are EVOX sessions?

The first EVOX session is the longest because we explain every step of the session to you, which is about an hour and a half. This ensures you understand everything there is to know about EVOX. After your initial EVOX session, consecutive sessions are faster because you understand what’s going on during each session.
How does EVOX compare to traditional counseling methods?

EVOX is a complement to traditional counseling methods (hence the name “Complementary Therapy”). In other words, EVOX goes right along with any other form of therapy, including traditional counseling methods. Some clients appreciate not having to rehash all of their life’s experiences to get a breakthrough with EVOX while others want to outwardly process their thoughts. No matter your style, you pick what you want breakthrough in and if you choose to outwardly process your thoughts on your own or with a traditional therapist afterwards, is totally up to you.
If I want to do a remote session, how do I get a Hand Cradle?

We offer the option for you to get your hands on a Hand Cradle by purchasing one through us. When you book your appointment, let us know you would like to purchase a Hand Cradle and we will walk you through the next steps.
How do I book an EVOX appointment?

It’s easy and fast. Just click here to book an appointment with our scheduling software.
Where can I download the EVOX Voice Map?

Want to see what areas you can experience your breakthrough? Click here

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