How EVOX Works

How EVOX Works

EVOX Testimonies:

"I got up with the kids this morning to help them get ready for school. I haven't done that in YEARS."

  "I got up with the kids this morning to help them get ready for school. I haven't done that in YEARS."

"I love EVOX! I didn't have to say every detail of my struggle and I STILL got my breakthrough."

  "I love EVOX! I didn't have to say every detail of my struggle and I STILL got my breakthrough."

"The change I needed in my life needed to start with my mind changing and that was where I was stuck…..until EVOX."

  "The change I needed in my life needed to start with my mind changing and that was where I was stuck…..until EVOX."

"After my session, I noticed my mind was finally able to be at peace about the person [my session was on]."

  "After my session, I noticed my mind was finally able to be at peace about the person [my session was on]."

"For so long I felt like I was carrying a heavy weight on my shoulders. Like a dark sadness. But [after EVOX] the weight had lifted."

  "For so long I felt like I was carrying a heavy weight on my shoulders. Like a dark sadness. But [after EVOX] the weight had lifted."

"My first session’s topic was on self-worth...After that session, I actually noticed a huge difference."

  "My first session’s topic was on self-worth...After that session, I actually noticed a huge difference."

"I realize there are different ways to deal with depression, but EVOX is what worked for me."

  "I realize there are different ways to deal with depression, but EVOX is what worked for me."

"Those thoughts of suicide...were no longer running through my mind at 100 mph like before."

  "Those thoughts of suicide...were no longer running through my mind at 100 mph like before."

"I had an EVOX session and for the first time in months my mind was quiet."

  "I had an EVOX session and for the first time in months my mind was quiet."

"For the first time in a long time I felt happy."

  "For the first time in a long time I felt happy."

"My thoughts no longer cycled on this relationship and I was able to go about my day without even thinking about the person!"

  "My thoughts no longer cycled on this relationship and I was able to go about my day without even thinking about the person!"

I even noticed a sense of happiness! I hadn’t felt happiness in years!"

  I even noticed a sense of happiness! I hadn’t felt happiness in years!"
Let's Be Friends!
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Sex Trafficking and Healing with EVOX

Join Us In The Fight!   Help Provide Healing For A Daughter Elijah Rising Has Rescued ...

Rescued from Sex Trafficking
……….Now What?

Join Us In The Fight!   Help Provide Healing For A Daughter Elijah Rising Has Rescued ...

Sex Trafficking and Healing with EVOX
Doctor Says EVOX Works!
Doctor Says EVOX Works!

ZYTO technology relies upon an array of biocommunication principles and concepts that provide users with deeper insight and information when making decisions related to health and wellness.

1) Galvanic Skin Response


The ZYTO Scan relies on galvanic skin response (GSR) – an established technology that measures fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. One familiar application of GSR is lie detector testing.

2) ZYTO Hand Cradle

The ZYTO Hand Cradle measures the user’s galvanic skin response and sends that data directly to the ZYTO software for analysis. The GSR data is correlated and compared with Virtual Items in the software database.

3) Virtual Stimulus Items

apple laptop

Each Virtual Item represents a different physical item. Every time the software introduces a Virtual Item a corresponding GSR reading is taken by the Hand Cradle. Each new response is measured and tracked in comparison to the GSR baseline reading.

4) Proprietary Software


ZYTO’s proprietary software analyzes GSR data for patterns of coherence – looking for the ways your GSR readings fluctuate or shift in response to each Virtual Item.  

5) Biological Preference


While tracking the GSR data in comparison with each Virtual Item, ZYTO software assigns each Virtual Item a positive or negative score based on the coherence patterns. Virtual Items that produce more coherent or positive responses are referred to as the user’s biological preference.

6) Prioritized Results


An easy-to-read report is generated that displays a ranking of the Virtual Items that resulted in greater biological preference. The report can then be used to assist individuals as they make choices to maintain overall health and wellness.

Want a deeper understand of EVOX and how it can specifically help YOU? Click here to go to Frequently Asked Questions

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